Thursday, January 3, 2013

A Gentle Nudge....A recap of my blog offerings

A short recap of my blog offerings:

I'm not a techie (!) so if you've come to this blog to learn about some creative ways to self-heal please remember to start at the beginning of my posts and meander through ~ until you find something you need or that piques your curiosity. 

Then go ahead and play with some of the ideas yourself !   .....Use your imagination and trust that you will feel when its working :)

This blog is for those who are seriously interested in gleaning tips and tricks for self healing.  And in the spirit of sharing, I've been open and honest about some of my own experiences so that I can offer what I know to be effective, to you.

You are in control and you can learn!  So please trust that even the simple act of just reading will already allow new ideas/possibilities into your mind ~ and thus will begin to create positive change even without further effort on your part.

My goals are as always... to remove blocks to love, learn to heal self and for peace

Love J.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Million Dollar Question: "Who Are You"...really?

   ***the following story is is an example of how taking a physical feeling and translating it into a conversation can initiate one's own healing.                                                        

 "WHO Are YOU?"

I had been bothered for ... years ... by a constant lower back pain. It often made me feel like I was being pulled backwards and down towards the ground....a heavy feeling almost as if I wanted to fall in a faint.

I used to cope by fighting the feeling, and forcing myself to move on even though I was always left feeling a little puzzled by the experience.....

Now as age and experience can often teach us ~ there if often nothing like grief or a good problem or a serious health issue to slow us down enough to hear what is really going on in our thoughts ... and ergo our emotions...and ergo our bodies!

And for me, it happened while I was wandering through a local mall, feeling very sad because a  friend of mine was rapidly dying. Suddenly I began to feel that familiar pull down and backwards in my lower back again! 

But this time, I used my imagination to engage in a conversation with the sensation and so I stopped and turned around and said angrily, to that dark heavy feeling, "What do you want?" (And if I could draw you a picture ) I would say the feeling 'looked' like many arms and hands reaching out towards me with many voices saying at once, "Who Are You?"

My grieving over my friend had temporarily halted by usual habit of coping with this particular sensation and this time I had got mad instead!  So I responded to the question of who are you with,  "Thats it?"  "Thats all you want to ask me, after all these years of bugging me, thats it?!"

"Who Are You?"  I heard the voices ask me again.

And I was surprised to hear myself answer with confidence,  "I Am, a Child Of God"

And immediately the dark vision of the hands reaching up for me slipped away and I never have had that feeling in my back again.  I guess I could say that this was a defining moment for me. I never had asked myself that question and I had never been clearer about the answer. 

Cool eh!


ps. Our inner minds work with symbolism and metaphors and whatever we are familiar with from our upbringing, culture, country, tribes, etc., so its not so much how or what was said, so much as that I turned around and asked and then was able to answer.  Communication and integration are key to our own healing :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A short poem about The Art of Living


                                                           The Art of Living

Be like the lily in a pond

   let life come up to you

      like the water lapping up against the flower.

Let life shape you

    rather than chasing after it

       watching it run ahead, just out of reach.

Then effortlessly

    a smorgasbord of choices

        will be drawn to appear right in front of you.

        This poem came about because I am often suggesting to my clients to stop chasing after things, as that action seems to push things further away.  And to instead think of a lily in a lily pond.  With the water gently lapping up against it ... letting life come to us, in that gentle open space we have allowed.

Peace to you all,
Love Janice                     

Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Tooth Story

For many years I had a negative view of one of my teeth!  A molar with a big, old gold crown.  And dentists would often warn me .... “Something will have to be done with this tooth!”

Yet, all this time I had been successfully keeping it pain free by using Reiki energy and by consciously relaxing my jaw area.

Yet, at the same time I would have to say that I had developed a negative view of this tooth. Like it was something that was wrong or unwanted, that should either be fixed or removed! Or as my old mentor Gladys would say, “When one tooth is hurting, you don’t notice the other 32 that are working fine!”  The point here is that I had slowly but surely began to reject or resent a 'part of me' - albeit a small part, but as we all know - a small part of the body that isn't working can seem like a very large part indeed!!

Then a series of events took place that taught me another lesson about self-healing.

Firstly I noticed two Reiki practitioners mentioning online how they had used Reiki energy to be calm while undergoing root canals and I couldn’t help but ask the question – “Why hadn’t they used their skills to go a step further and learn to avoid the problem in the first place?“ 

Then the second thing that happened is that a friend passed and I began grieving. So for awhile I had less energy and less interest in my own self care.  I was also unaware that my unspoken anger (which is a normal part of the grieving process), was resulting in my clenching my jaw big time!  So after two bouts of intense tooth pain, I knew it was time to take myself to the dentist and get that "something" done.

Then the third thing happened which was quite remarkable and quite simple at the same time.  After I parked my car at my dentist’s office, I sat for a moment to calm my nerves when I decided to 'check in' with God about some actions I was taking with a new client of mine.  After I was finished, I noticed I was viewing my tooth in a loving and interested manner, as if  ‘it’ mattered.  And it was feeling completely better!    

I went in to the dentist's office when the fourth thing began to happen. The hygienist sat me down and began her check up, while at the same time I began to slowly sense a deep calmness enveloping me.  Then every cell of my body was vibrating with energy as I moved into a place of oneness and peace.  My dentist came in and gave me every possible test on my tooth which it passed with flying colors! The x-ray showed only some slight activity of some pooling of blood at its root....which could go either way. I told her about how I had been grieving lately and my need to process some anger, while I gave her a sample of my chair version of shadow boxing!  She totally got the connection, and explained the logistics between the clenching of my jaw and the constriction of the ligament blocking the blood supply to that tooth.

I now had a completely different attitude towards my tooth. It was showing me something – not being a ‘pain’ but instead being a teacher! Wow, I thought, this is an excellent example of the mind body connection!  My tooth is a lovely barometer of notifying me of increasing stress and the need to consciously relax.

So now I am loving a part of myself (as small as it may be!) that I used to resent and feel negative about. And this is always a good thing :)  By the way, this experience took place almost two months ago and my tooth is still doing fine. In addition I have an extra good feeling now when I practice keeping my jaw loose and relaxed.


ps. If you want to see my sexy teeth xrays - go to JaniceLesley2011 or try this link.   But only if you want to smile :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Its never to late to say Thank You :)

Something I wish I had done earlier was to say Thank You to some of the professional people who have supported me along this evolving journey of being in a private practice. 

A heartfelt  thank you to Brian Wallace - a Hypnotherapist who specializes in Pain Management and Medical Applications of Hypnosis. He generously gave of his valuable time to mentor me and also recognized this ‘gift’ I have, (which I hadn’t taken full ownership of yet!).  A wonderful teacher of a subject he loves!

Brian is currently developing an online Medical Hypnotist Specialty course via Coastal Academy of Hypnotic Arts and Science and his practice is now situated in North Vancouver. 

And I am also deeply grateful to Mr. Bob Brenner,  (Adjunct Instructor at Omni Hypnosis Training Centre,  with owner Gerald Kein).  He helped me to negotiate and understand my ability to listen deeply and provided me with an avenue to develop the confidence I was looking for within the field of hypnosis. 

I also purchased the learning tools Bob has on his website (along with some of Gerald Kein’s) and I can’t recommend them enough to hypnotherapists who wish to advance their skill sets.  I also appreciated his support and authentic leadership during his generous mentoring calls.  A Florida gem, with a private practice in Deland, Florida, USA.

Monday, March 5, 2012






Janice Lesley ~ Intuitive Healer



The study of chakras plays an important role in attaining deep levels of realization, and improved health and wellbeing.

Reiki, Yoga, Acupuncture, T’ai chi, Shiatsu, and Qigong all focus on balancing the energy meridians, which are an integral part of the chakra system.

I urge and invite you to take the time to learn about chakras, as this will increase your understanding of energy and how it moves throughout your body. In addition, it need not conflict with any preexisting religious or spiritual beliefs you may hold.

Chakras are a key part of my practice, greatly increasing my abilities as an Intuitive Healer

Janice Lesley, Reiki Master